I’m a student. How do I activate my digital book?
To activate the digital book you need to use the ELiDigiBook app and the code that is printed in your textbook.
The code is printed on the inside front cover of your textbook. Do not use the ISBN number that starts with 978.
Go to the page ACTIVATE A BOOK
I’m a teacher. How can I access ELiDigiBook?
You can use your elionline.com teacher’s account.
Go to www.elionline.com/register if you don’t have registered yet.
I’m a teacher. How do I activate my digital book?
To activate the digital book you need to use the ELiDigiBook and the code that is printed in the teacher’s book.
The code to activate the teacher’s version starts with ELICERT.
If your teacher’s guide does not have this code, please contact your local ELI distributor.
Go to the page ACTIVATE A BOOK
How do I download the digital book offline on my tablet/PC/Mac/iPad?
Once you have activated the book with the code, go to the DOWNLOAD ELIDIGIBOOK APP page and choose the app for your device.
The code in my textbook does not work.
Check that the letters and numbers are correct.
Send an email to support@elidigitalhub.com indicating the code that does not work and the title of the book that you are trying to activate.
Open a ticket here https://www.gruppoeli.it/assistenza
What do the labels “ACTIVE”/“EXPIRING”/“EXPIRED” appearing in the library mean?
The publisher may decide that ebooks can only be used for a certain period of time.
You can check at any time the validity status of the activation of your books in the library, in correspondence with the title of the book or within its details, which you can access by clicking on the dedicated icon.
The labels related to your book's activation status can take on three values: